Friday, April 23, 2010
My last thoughts....
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Thing #23
Thing #22
I went to learn out loud and the arts and entertainment section. The piano lesson online video podcast caught my eye. I would like to learn how to play the piano and found this awesome and FREE podcast. I found this podcast very easy to use and once I finished listened to the introduction it offered me to subscribe to it. I haven't yet but I am debating on it! This podcast has inspired me to use podcasts in my future classrooms! I think it will be fun to do arts and crafts on them.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Thing #21
Create your own video slideshow at
Thing #20
I love youtube! It can be used for education or entertaining purposes. The only thing I don't like about it is that anyone can upload a video and either they are stupid or offensive. I chose this video because I found it inspiring. This site could be used in my classrooms for educational purposes, but I would only allow it under MY consent!
Thing #19
Thing #18
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thing #17
Thing #16
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Thing #15
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Thing #14
The first chart I used was which is the chart directly above this text. I liked it alright and found it very easy to use. I really like the flow chart program. I think I will use that one for my future classroom. It was very easy to use and had alot more to offer than
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thing #13
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thing #12
Thing #11
Thing #10
Thing #9
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thing #8
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thing #7
Thing #6
Thing #5
Thing #4
Blogging helps create a sense of community by having an open window for anyone to peer into. It is a place for opinions, thoughts, ideas, and questions that is open to anyone. People can interact with just a click of the mouse and read posts. Complete interaction is supplying feedback on the posts that are read. I learned from The Blue Skunk Blog that is good to leave a comment on a bloggers post, because reguardless their remarks of "blogging for personal growth", everyone likes to know that someone is paying them some mind. They also explained it is polite to thank every responder for their time they took to read the blog. I agree and will use those pointers in my blogging.
The five people from my class I choose are: Morgan Hill because I have her in another class and I think she is intelligent, I'm sure she will have some good posts. Lindsey Byrum because I have had her in another class and I think it will be nice to get to know her better. Pam Dwyer because she sits next to me in class and Chonta Dillingham because she sits on the other side of me in class. The other two blogs that I intend to read are Shanna Borgeson because she is ahead of the game and is one of the people who has the most posts in my class.
The two from 3040-01 are Alli Walker because I went to high school with her and Jerita Reese because I have had two prior classes with her and think she is humorous.
I left Alli a comment about her blog on thing #8 and the fliker program. She made a good point, the program could be used to get images to personalize student's desks.
Jerita's thing #2 caught my eye. I left her a comment lending a hand for help with anything because the blogging isn't too difficult for me and she said she was having issues with it.
I left Morgan a comment on her thing #4. Seems now that we know a little about one another we can agree on quite a bit.
I commented on Lidnsey's thing #3 because I agree that blogging can be a good way to help peers with assignments.
I left Pam a comment on her thing #2 letting her know that if I can help in anyway with asssignments that I will. Her and I seem to be the only ones who use PC and have issues converting to MACs!!
I left Chonta a comment on thing #3. Seems everyone agrees blogging is a good way to help others or be helped...and I added that its also nice not to have to give out your phone number!
I like Shanna's blog on thing #6. It is a good site and I think its a good idea to incorporate it in the classroom.