Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thing #3

I found many ways the blogger is useful yet important for when I begin my teaching. Most importantly it is great for keeping in touch with parents, posting assignments, providing examples for assignments, and how to's for the technology used in class. This will give the parents a better idea about what is taking place in the classroom and aid them in helping their student when they are at home and have difficulties. I would also use it for displaying pictures of class activities and the student's artwork. I think blogging will be very useful to students and their parents and a great way to keep everyone involved.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thing #2

So the name of my blog is like the example because I honestly had no idea what to put! I figured maybe I could go back and edit it later if I thought of something clever, but I now think I am stuck with it. This is somewhat of a new experience to me because I have my own web page, I've blogged before but it was in My space. I don't find any of this difficult by any means, but I can also get by OK on my own with computers. I've created an avatar for the wii so I that's not new to me either. I've given my avatar on here reddish hair because my hair has a bit of a red tint to it. I put her in jeans and sneakers because that is what I usually wear. The orange kitty is my cat named Mojo who follows me around everywhere. If there was a gray cat option I would have put that one on there as well for my other cat, Rambo. I have the country in my background because that is where I reside with my boyfriend, Chris.

Thing #1

I found the video on 7 1/2 Habits of a Highly successful life very informing. The video gave me many helpful pointers. I found #1- Begin With The End In Mind The easiest. I often make goals for myself and when I want something bad enough I will try my hardest to achieve it. I found # 3- View Problems As Challenges the hardest. I sometimes view problems as a crisis that needs to dealt with like the video said. It isn't until afterwards I realize it was a challenge I could learn from. I want to learn as much as I can about the 2.0 tools! I would like to learn the cool new ways to make classroom life easier yet exciting. I hope to teach 3rd grade so I have to be able to keep their attention. I did not find setting up the blog difficult. I am the type of person who likes to explore things before I read the directions on how to do it. I just clicked around a little on the site to see what it has. Other than that the directions were pretty easy to follow. I've blogged before so not all of this is new to me.